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The Team

David Browne brought us together.  He does most of the messaging and writing, and directs the filming.  He began working in production in 1995, beginning in the political arena, helping to elect candidates to local, state, and federal office, who are honest, qualified, and support worthy causes.  David understands the constraints and the possibilities of the five essential elements needed in production and has become a specialist in optimizing those that are not fixed or limited by the budget or by the nature of the project.  His first job is to determine how we can make something that will deliver the message in a way that is entertaining, visually creative, or emotionally persuasive.  If it is not something he would want to watch, he won’t produce it.

Laura Douglas is an artist and an editor, in that order.  Many people can work the machines and the software, and we have it all.  But very few have an eye for how best to bring everything together, and even fewer have a bottomless well of enthusiasm and the breadth of experience.  Laura can transition from editing a project for the National Institutes of Health to creating a music video for MTV.  In both cases, she may begin with nothing more than random images.  When she is finished, the clients inevitably say, “How did you do that?”  It’s a skill that can’t be taught.  More than once, our ad campaigns have made the cover of the NY Times and been featured on national news broadcasts from NBC Nightly News to 60 Minutes.   Without Laura, they would never have been noticed.

Troy Dick is a Director of Photography who has shot footage seen by everyone who has a TV or goes to the movies. (If producer Stephen Soderbergh had his way, Troy would be on every movie set.)  Troy shoots on a wide variety of formats and always has a new contraption.  Troy has a PhD in film, he creates lighting that marvels those who have not worked with him before, and he offers a beginning to end perspective that you just don’t find in a DP. He wants to be brought in on the concept and the script, and he is always worrying about what Laura might need.  Troy has an infectious laugh and the ability to make a shoot seem easy, even when it isn’t.  

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